
Hidden Ingredients and Hidden Agendas

Just like hidden ingredients in processed foods can make us unhealthy, hidden agendas in entertainment can affect our spirits.

I looked at the ingredients in the coffee creamer and realized it didn't actually contain anything dairy. Next I checked out my favorite salad dressing and found it contained a substance found in anti-freeze. 

I wondered how many unhealthy hidden ingredients I ingest every day. Just because something is approved by the FDA doesn't mean it's healthy. I have to take responsibility for what I eat.

In a similar way, I have to take responsibility for what my spirit "eats."

Many popular TV shows, songs, movies and books contain hidden agendas. At one time these themes were subtly woven into characters and situations. Now, because of the moral decline in our world, immoral and violent themes are more blatant. 

Just because something is approved by our culture doesn't mean it's approved by our Lord.

People often underestimate these things, but Christians know that "above all else" we must guard our hearts, because everything we do flows from it (Proverbs 4:23).

"A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart." Luke 6:45

Let's beware of hidden agendas—and only store up things that are good!
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Just like hidden ingredients in processed foods can make us unhealthy, hidden agendas in entertainment can affect our spirits.

Just like hidden ingredients in processed foods can make us unhealthy, hidden agendas in entertainment can affect our spirits.

Bible Love Notes


  1. My son recently pointed out to me that I need to "look to my own house" before I criticize others in this respect. I have been a hypocrite. Ouch! But I can do better.

    1. I can do this too, LuAnn. I think keeping ungodly influences out of our lives is an ongoing process. It's so easy to have them slip in through something we think is okay.

  2. That is so true!!... I keep telling people nowadays you don't know what's good and wrong, and 90% of the time all I get back is just a weird look. Thank God I'm not the only one who thinks this way!

    Have a wonderful day

    1. Yes, Nami, we really have lost our bearings in this fight against ungodly things in our culture. I imagine there are all sorts of things I blindly accept that are part of our crumbling cultural morals.

  3. I always wondered how those things seem to be able to last forever :-D

    1. Yes : )
      I remember a book on healthy eating from years ago that was titled: "If it doesn't spoil, throw it out!"

  4. WOW, Powerful message I love the way the God is using you. Yes sign me up.

  5. Good Morning Gail, We are on the same page today! I agree we need to look at what is really in the core agendas and the hidden motive of what we watch and eat! Have a great day!
    Blessings, Roxy

  6. This is a painful truth! Ouch is right! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yes, it hits us in an area we don't like to have messed with, doesn't it?

  7. I'm sure we'd all be amazed if we knew all the hidden ingredients we ingested. It's good to stay informed as we can, and thank God for grace to cover the rest!

  8. Replies
    1. Good one Gail. Thank you, gives us a different perspective to view the dangers lurking around us. What makes me so sad is the trash that gets shared on social media, especially by the young teens. Many parents don't seem to be monitoring and/or care.

    2. Yes, it's sad how these things subtly influence our lives, change our opinions, and compromise our faith.

  9. Ethylene glycol is in antifreeze. Propylene glycol is a whole other animal. Still a good article.

  10. The more we stay in the Word , the more we realize the Truth and see the "hidden ingredients " of this world.

  11. Timely post! As a nurse, I taught patients to read labels for ingredients. And sometimes it was difficult, as the font got smaller and smaller. The same has happened in our culture. Movies, even shows for children may contain "hidden ingredients". Thank you for the important reminder.
