
"Dumb Things" Christians Believe

On Darwin's 200th birthday, Newsweek called Christians "Dumb." Newsweek represents what the Bible calls "fools." This 1-minute devotion explains.

Newsweek magazine mocks Christian belief in our Creator...

In 2010, the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth, Newsweek published a list called "Dumb Things Americans Believe" and creation was on that list.

There are many reasons (scientific and theological) to reject evolution, but the most compelling reason for Christians is this: 

The Bible says God created the world "very good" and death, decay, and pain came AFTER the fall of man because of man's sin. Evolutionists believe millions of years of death, decay and pain preceded the presence of man on earth. 

Newsweek's mockery shouldn't surprise us. Since the beginning of time, mankind has invented ways to overlook the design of God in creation (Romans 1:20). Human "wisdom" has always been in conflict with true wisdom (1 Corinthians 2:6-16). And mankind has always rejected God's definition of "dumb" (Psalm 14:1).

Evolutionists act as if their theories are facts, but their confidence is based on faith, not science.  And our confidence is also based on faith because "by faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible" (Hebrews 11:3). 

Every man has faith. Some have faith in God and His Word, and some have faith in man and his theories. Now which sounds dumb to you?

Please check out the Bite Size Bible Study expanding on the truths in this devotion: Dumb Things Like Evolution.

Related Bible Love Notes posts:

Coke Evolved From a Rock  

Nothing Magically Evolved

For Christians who think God could have used evolution to create: Couldn't God Have Used Evolution?  

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On Darwin's 200th birthday, Newsweek called Christians "Dumb." Newsweek represents what the Bible calls "fools." This 1-minute devotion explains.

On Darwin's 200th birthday, Newsweek called Christians "Dumb." Newsweek represents what the Bible calls "fools." This 1-minute devotion explains.

Bible Love Notes


  1. I think it takes more faith to believe in evolution than it does to believe in creation, lol! If an auto store had an explosion it would not make a car, right?

    It's amazing how science "proves" the missing link and then later that link turns out to be the part of an arthritic cow instead of a person or something, lol!

    Just popping back over to say that the new "Making Your Home Sing Monday" linky party is now live and ready for your posts!

    1. Yes, Nan, like so many other things in our world, it is really a matter of faith. Science does not prove evolution.

  2. Great post Gail! I was just reading about this very subject today on the website of Pastor Greg Laurie, I wanted to share an excerpt from it with you,

    To say that all of the beauties of God's creation came about randomly is ridiculous. The person who believes in the theory of evolution makes a choice to believe it. I believe they make that choice because the lifestyle they want to live has no place for God. If there is a Creator, then there is a God. If there is God, then there is a Judge. If there is a Judge, then there is a judgment. And if there is a judgment, they will have to stand there one day. So they have to try to find a way to write God out of the script - Greg Laurie

    Be blessed!

    1. Yes, Diana, I believe that Satan is behind this theory that has so confused and twisted modern man's thinking. And I believe it is convenient for many in our culture who want to be free of God's principles and morals.

      Unfortunately, there are also many people mislead without understanding that evolution is faith-based, not science-based. In fact, one study showed that many Christians believe God could have used evolution to create. We really need to understand that it is not science vs. faith. It is faith vs. faith.

      Thanks for your comment.

  3. The Scripture name darwinism fools. Romans 1:21-23
