
Correctly Evaluating the Cause of Your Problems

We often misunderstand God's role in our problems and evaluate things all wrong. This 1-minute devotion offers the Biblical perspective.

"Why is God doing this to me?"

My friend's husband left her for another woman, and she was understandably hurt and confused. But she was asking the wrong question.  

I reminded her it wasn't God. It was her husband who was hurting her.

Unfortunately, I sometimes ask this same question when the sins of other people cause me problems.

That's when I need to remind myself that God has given each of us a free will. He never causes sin or evil, but He allows it in our present world (Romans 8:22-25). 

Jesus explains it concisely in John 16:33: "In this world you will have trouble."

But God does more than that. He gives us overflowing love and comfort to deal with our present problems and promises an eternity free from sorrow (2 Corinthians 1:3-7; Revelation 21:4-5). 

That's why John 16:33 doesn't end with the word trouble:

"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."  Jesus


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We often misunderstand God's role in our problems and evaluate things all wrong. This 1-minute devotion offers the Biblical perspective.

We often misunderstand God's role in our problems and evaluate things all wrong. This 1-minute devotion offers the Biblical perspective.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Thank you for the gentle reminder - I love John 16:33@

  2. Wonderful reminder! Love that Scripture, too. One of my favorites when I'm feeling like the world has turned upside down and against me. God is SO good.

    Blessings - Julie

  3. Gail, I too have a friend who is currently going through hurt and suffering in her marriage, but in this case it is due to adultery. While she hasn't questioned God as to why this is happening to her, she is trying to lean on Him to get her through it. When trials come our way, may we always remember that we can overcome them through Jesus Christ. Praise be to God for this! As always thank you for sharing these blessed!

  4. "But God wants to save men, not simply spare them pain." What a great and timely reminder. Thank you! I'm visiting from whole Hearted Wednesdays.

  5. Thanks Gail, this was simply encouraging...the thought that was most striking to me was the one Gisela mentioned (above) amazing that she thought the same thing.

  6. Thank you for encouraging words.

  7. This scripture verse is one of the many that Matthew West has built a beautiful song around. Great reflection and reminder
