
Falsely Imprisoned for 35 Years

We apologize for this extra step, but this devotion from 2013 was updated and is now located at the link below.

We pray that this devotion will encourage you!

Falsely Imprisoned for 35 Years


  1. Amen, sister! How often do we whine, moan and complain when we miss a green light or plans change or things don't work out how we planned?

    I am so glad that that verses doesn't say "And we know that in SOME things....." Can you imagine if we had a limited God who could only do SOME things?

    Aren't you glad we have a God Who is all powerful? I sure am!

    Just wanted you to know that the "Making Your Home Sing Monday" linky party is up and ready for you to link up your posts this week. Thank you for participating last week. I'd love to have you join us again! Can't wait to see what you have to share this week!

  2. Thank you Gail. I loved story. I know of another man who is serving time for something he did not do. Mindy over at momma mindy has shared about it on her blog. I'll have to send her this.
