
What To Do When We Blow It

A 1-minute devotion about honest confession, offering 3 reasons it's important to confess our sins to God. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Devotions

Isn’t it refreshing when someone admits blame without making excuses?

Blame-shifting is as old as the hills . . . the fourth oldest sin in the Book.

When Adam and Eve sinned, they immediately began blaming others (Genesis 3:11-13).(1) 

It’s rare when someone says, “I’m sorry. I blew it.” 

But it's incredibly refreshing, mature, and godly. 

Honestly asking forgiveness:

1. Prevents self-deception (1 John 1:8).
Maintains our understanding of right and wrong.

2. Gives us a clean conscience.
Reminds us we're completely forgiven (1 John 1:9)!

3. Proves we agree with God.
Keeps us from "calling God a liar" (1 John 1:10).

So next time we do something wrong, let’s do something right—something good for our souls. Let’s confess our sins to God and to those we've offended.
(1) See the Fourth Oldest Sin in the Book

A 1-minute devotion about honest confession, offering 3 reasons it's important to confess our sins to God. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Devotions

Bible Love Notes


  1. Enjoy the reading "Iblew it". It's easier to blame others for our sins.

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. That's one of the most difficult things to do.... thank you for the reminder.

  3. This is so hard to do but it is healing to relationships when it does not seem possilbe. Thanks Gail.

  4. Just had an issue with my 6 year old concerning this. A humble heart fixes so much! Bless you! Thanks, each week, for joining UNITE! ~ Jen

  5. Gail, I was just reading Psalm 32, "Blessed is the man whose sin is forgiven," and reading how miserable man can be with unconfessed sin. The beauty of a clean slate is amazing, and it begins with the words, "I messed up." Thanks for adding your AMEN to my devotional reading today :)

  6. I have been struggling with this personally. It is difficult to do, but it is so freeing because when we are obedient to God's Word right feelings will follow. I would love for you to share this post and/or another you would like to share with my readers at!! We have a link up party every Thursday. Hope to see you there.
