
Handling Rude Criticism

This 1-minute devotion offers 2 steps for handling criticism biblically - even rude criticism. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Have you ever had someone rudely criticize your character?

It's painful, but with Christ's help, we can learn from even the harshest critics if we do these two things:
    1. Pause and consider their criticism.

    Are we thinking too highly of ourselves? (Romans 12:3) Could our hearts be deceiving us? (Jeremiah 17:9

    Even if someone is rude, we should consider whether there is any truth in their criticism. A wise man or woman can accept truth even when it's presented harshly (Proverbs 27:5).

    2. Ask God for wisdom (James 1:5).

    We don't want to miss valid correction, nor do we want to accept invalid criticism (1 Corinthians 4:3-4). This can be difficult to discern. It requires humility and may require godly counsel.

    Even if there is no validity in their criticisms, rude people can teach us valuable lessons about the wrong way to handle differences.😊
      Have you recently been criticized? I encourage you to apply these two principles.

      Proverbs 9:9 is a good verse to ponder: Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous and they will add to their learning.

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      This 1-minute devotion offers 2 steps for handling criticism biblically - even rude criticism. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

      Bible Love Notes


      1. In the world we live in today...the truth of the Word is 1) overlooked and not important 2} usually convicts and with that comes negative 3) and the know it all's..who have lots of "head knowledge" and no "heart knowledge". Just keep doing what you are doing....There are those who love your"one minute Bible notes..Blessings!

      2. I wanted also to say, "I always learn something!" Blessings Again!

      3. It's beautiful that you aren't quick to judgment and/or stuck with a hurt ego. Those passages are wonderful and very true.

      4. I really like your advice because more than once I have been absolutely sure "I" am right only to find "I" am wrong!! I have learned from this, not to trust my 'rightness' and to take the criticism a bit better and with the Lord's help. I like the way you laid those two steps out so clearly.

      5. Those are great principles! Often there is at least a nugget of truth in the harsh comments and we ALL tend to get defensive in those situations. Great advice!

      6. Anyone who blogs deals with the trolls ruining the fun and pleasure now and then. You've certainly got the right attitude and perfect principles for when it happens to you. ♥
        Thank you for sharing!

      7. Such wisdom, to ask God to help you discern each comment. I pray that too, for love for everyone we encounter here in this bloggersphere. May they see Jesus in us. Continually. Only. Not ourselves. Thanks for linking with UNITE!

      8. Gail, I had a harsh comment recently from someone who said she was an atheist. Knowing that the truths of God's Word were "foolishness" to her because she was lost helped to put the comments in their proper perspective. Unkind comments from those in the faith are more challenging. You're wise to point out that even unkind comments can point out errors and blindspots we may not be aware of. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

      9. I needed this! So badly! Thank you!


      10. Great post. It's easy to get defensive, so much more useful though to be teachable. Thanks for taking the time to provide the tips!

      11. Great subject to talk about. We'll all be getting criticism or negative comments at some time so how will we handle them? Thanks for writing this!
