

Father Damien made the ultimate sacrifice to help those who had no hope. This 1-minute devotion shares an encouraging glimpse of his life. #FatherDamien #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Devotions

In 1865, Hawaiian lepers were quarantined for life on the island of Molokai. Without adequate food supplies or medical care, the hopeless victims lived like beasts. Drunkenness, crime, abuse, and perversion were rampant.

Knowing it was probably his death sentence, a 33-year-old Belgian monk volunteered to help. Father Damien had already shown his love for the Hawaiian people ministering on the Big Island and learning their language. Now he shared the message of Christ with the lepers of Molokai: dressing wounds, planting orchards, importing cattle, and seeking government support. He also built houses, a church, two orphanages, and an aqueduct for fresh water.

Others helped him until the government forbade visitors. But Damien stayed and lived among these outcasts, eventually contracting leprosy and dying at age 49. 

No matter our doctrinal differences, people of every denomination can agree that Father Damien lived for others, making the greatest sacrifice a human can make (John 15:13).

His life is a picture of Christ. If Christ had not come, lived among us, and died of our sin "disease," we would be nothing more than hopeless outcasts (John 10:10; Galatians 3:13).

Resources: Father DamienLeprosy facts
Images: Father Damien and Father Damien with the Molokai Girls' Choir (both public domain)

Note: I'm not Catholic, and Father Damien and I would have disagreed on doctrinal issues, but I believe he genuinely loved the Lord and did his best to serve Him faithfully. If you would like to have a more detailed explanation of why I believe Father Damien was a true believer, please read Do Protestants Think Catholics are Saved?

I encourage you to check out the Wisdom for
 Life Devotional. It contains 100 one-minute devotions to challenge, encourage, instruct, and inspire your love for God's Word. To find out more see 10 Reasons Why You'll Love Wisdom for LifeI also encourage you to sign up for a free subscription to Bible Love Notes and get a free e-booklet offering quiet time encouragement. Find out more HERE.

Father Damien made the ultimate sacrifice to help those who had no hope. This 1-minute devotion shares an encouraging glimpse of his life.

Bible Love Notes


  1. We saw the movie about his life, sensational! I was blown away by his selfish devotion!

    1. Would love to know the info on the movie, Jacqueline, for myself and my readers. thanks.

    2. I agree but his devotion was selfless... ( not selfish) Bless you

  2. Hi Gail,
    Love to hear stories like this! Would love it if you can post more role models for our faith. DO you know the name of the movie your follower Jes is talking about?

  3. I really enjoyed this story. Thanks for sharing it and I hope you are having a wonderful time in Hawaii :-)

  4. What an ambitious man who sacrificed his own life by helping others in need. Would luv to see the movie. Thanks for sharing this, Gail.

  5. I've never considered how a story like this one is an example of Christ's love. Thank you so much for sharing this, I'm glad I stopped over from Facebook.

  6. That is so cool! I have never heard that story before. Thanks so much for sharing!

  7. The movie I saw is called "Molokai: The Story of Father Damien." I can't remember the name of the actor who played Fr. Damien, but a supporting cast member was Peter O'Toole and there were some other well-known names. It is available on DVD on Netflix, but not instant streaming. Yes, I agree. Amazing man.

  8. I am familiar with this story, but each time I am reminded I am filled with renewed awe.

  9. I have never heard of this story! What an incredible demonstration of grace & sacrificial love...paralleling so beautifully what Christ did for us!

    UNITED in Him,

  10. I've not heard this story but will now look for the movie mentioned above. Sounds like an incredible story and person. Thank you for sharing!

  11. Thanks for sharing this. God sure does work in our lives in different ways! God Bless.

  12. Fr. Damian was truly an inspiration. He was canonized in 2011. He is now St. Damian of Molokai. Just think what a better world this would be if we are were just a little more like him.

  13. Very inspiring! Makes you wonder if you could be that committed to helping others!?!

  14. Wonderful testament of the love of Christ in Fr. Damien a selfless priest who literally served the Lord. Only today at our lunch time service our vicar read from the Gospel of Luke about the love of Jesus, when He touched and healed a leper.
