
4 Things to Help you Fight Temptation

Christ gives us strength to accomplish these 4 important tactics against temptation. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Paul said, "I don't really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don't do it. Instead, I do what I hate" (Romans 7:15 &18).

Do you ever feel this way? I think we all do at times. But Paul doesn't end there. He goes on to explain that Jesus Christ can deliver us from temptations that seem too great for us (Romans 7:24-25).

Does this mean we can sit back and do nothing? No. 

1. We need to renew our minds in God's Word (Romans 12:2).

2. We need to cooperate with God's purposes, seeking His desires, not our own (Philippians 2:12-13).

3. We need to prepare for battle so our bodies, minds, and spirits are fully engaged against sin (Ephesians 6:10-13). 

4. When we fail, we must never give up or backslide. Instead, we must press on to victory (Philippians 3:12). 

We have some serious responsibilities in our battle against sin, but Christ gives us the strength we need to accomplish them (Philippians 4:13). 
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Christ gives us strength to accomplish these 4 important tactics against temptation. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Bible Love Notes


  1. Gail, my story too with dieting. Praying for you (and myself).

  2. Living for Christ really is a daily fight against the flesh that wants to do EVERYTHING except the right things. It can be almost depressing ! I have my own weight issues too but we are OVERCOMERS so we can do this, right Gail ? Also with regards to the scripture you shared, if God dealt with me according to my sins, I am not sure I would even be here to write this. So grateful for His mercies ! Thanks Gail, for stopping by A Chosen Remnant. God richly bless you !

    1. Amen...His mercies are new every morning...Great is His faithfulness.

  3. I so love how our God works! :) Last week I read something that referred to Phil 4:13 in regards to eating. It seriously convicted me. If I can believe that God can do miracles, why can't I accept his help in this area. It's been on my mind all weekend. Then I read your post. AMEN! I am ready to believe that HE can help me through this stuggle. I am going to look at this in a whole new light now!

    Thank you for this post!
    Blessings to you!

    1. I love to hear these stories, Vicki. Yes, God is always working behind the scenes getting our attention, isn't He? I pray you have new strength and success. Bless you, Gail

  4. What a beautiful post! This is one of my absolute favorite Scripture verses and one that I have my children currently memorizing! :-) There are so many temptations in this life. I pray that we all be able, through God's Grace, to resist whatever ones come our way. Thank you for visiting my blog and for your kind comments. I always enjoy visiting yours! :-) Many blessings, Lisa

  5. I don't understand dieting either. When I gain a few pounds it is difficult to get off. When I think I have grown spiritually and have victory over an area in my inevitably shows up again!! I do what I don't want to do!!

    Thanks Gail for your faithfulness in linking up over at WholeHearted Home this week. I always look forward to reading your posts each day.

  6. Wow! you hit the nail on the head!! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Wow really what I needed to hear today thank you 🙌

  8. I am subscribing to receive the Bible love notes, however, I want to make a subjection, could you make your devotionals printer friendly? I would like to save them in my binder in order to refer back to them when I have the need to refresh my Spirit and mind. Thank you so much, and many blessings

    1. I'm glad you are enjoying the devotions.
      My Bite Size Bible studies have this option, but I have had trouble with some added tools on Bible Love Notes and have chosen not to add that feature.
      But I certainly would like you to print and save them if it is helpful to you.
      You can easily cut and paste the text into a word document, and you can also paste the images although you typically have to downsize them when you do.
