
Why Are You So Far Away, Lord?

Many of the Psalms begin with one attitude and end with another. This is important for us. It tells us how to approach God. #Psalms #Bible #BibleLoveNotes

“O LORD, why do you stand so far away? Why do you hide when I am in trouble?” Psalm 10:1

Psalms often begin like the one above. This tells us: 
  • We can honestly share our feelings with God. 
  • Even the best of God’s children have doubts and confusion.
The psalms are good to read when we're troubled because the psalmist always moves from doubts and confusion to faith and hope.

"You see the trouble and grief they cause. You take note of it and punish them. The helpless put their trust in you. You defend the orphans.” Psalm 10:14  

Psalm-like prayers will:
  • change our perspective. 
  • remind us of God’s past faithfulness. 
  • assure us of God’s present and future faithfulness.
Are you feeling discouraged? 

Tell God about it honestly, then change your perspective by reminding yourself of God’s past, present and future faithfulness in your life. 

(There is only one of the 150 psalms that does not resolve: Psalm 88 - The Saddest Psalm.) 

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Many of the Psalms begin with one attitude and end with another. This is important for us. It tells us how to approach God. #Psalms #Bible #BibleLoveNotes


  1. Good morning,Gail!!

    Oh, I liked this post!! I stayed in Psalms for about seven years. It was such an encouragement to me, lifting me up, forming my prayers, and helping me to understand and know that God thought even the depths of my experiences were ones I could share with Him, just as you shared. You could only write about these things if you have journeyed down those paths and found answers in the Lord Jesus.

    Bless you, my friend, and have a wonderful day in whatever you do to please Him.

    1. The Psalms have been a great comfort to me many times too, Judith. Bless you, Gail

  2. Great post, Gail. I often use Psalms for prayers. It's hard to pick a favorite, but I love Psalm 139. When I'm facing a tough decision or need my focus recentered, I read this several times.

  3. Praying the Psalms has always been a great comfort to me I had a friend say once, "when you pray God back to God, you can know something is going to happen."

    1. Great quote from your friend. yes, praying Scripture is so good. Bless you, Gail

  4. I'm so thankful God is faithful to remind us of His truth. The Psalms are a great way to do this.

  5. (found you via Woman Living Well)
    I like the concept of your blog!
    Mary from

  6. So glad we can honestly share our thoughts with the Lord. (He knows them anyway, right? :) Thanks for sharing this with the Thrive @ Home community, Gail!

  7. I love the Psalms Gail! I love how David was so honest and unpretentious before God. You are so right, the Psalms teach us that honesty is what God is looking for in our lives. They teach us not to be afraid to be honest before God... He knows the truth anyway, so we can't gloss things over with Him.

  8. The Psalms is one of my favorite books of the Bible. I can relate to Fabid so well...his emotions and ability to feel deeply. Thank you for linking up at Mommy Teaches!
