
Deception of Discouragement

Scripture says we become deceived if we make this one important mistake! This 1-minute devotion explains. #Bible #BibleLoveNotes #Biblestudy #Discouragement

“Do not merely write about the Word and so deceive yourself, Gail. Do what it says.” James 1:22, my paraphrase 😊

I love writing Bible Love Notes because it keeps me in the Word reminding me of biblical principles that I want to shape my life.

I know that I'm growing in the Lord by regular time in the Word and prayer, but that doesn't mean I don't fail at times. One area of weakness for me is in the area of stress and discouragement. I've developed an ulcer at times due to stress and anxiety, a physical reminder that I often worry instead of praying.

Knowing what the Bible teaches is necessary for our growth, but it's meaningless if we don't apply it to our lives. And James 1:22 warns us that not applying it to our lives results in self-deception.

If you sometimes have trouble applying God's principles in certain areas of your life (as I do in mine), don't give up and don't accept that weakness. 

Instead, "Continue to work out your salvation [that is, cultivate it, bring it to full effect, actively pursue spiritual maturity] with awe-inspired fear and trembling [using serious caution and critical self-evaluation to avoid anything that might offend God or discredit the name of Christ]" (Philippians 2:12 amplified Bible)


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Scripture says we become deceived if we make this one important mistake! This 1-minute devotion explains.


  1. Good morning, Gail. I will pray for you as you write today. I write out of my experience too. How else can we help others?! Even Jesus experienced what we experience or how would we know He understands our every worry and trouble?! I will pray that you will be able to lean on the Lord.

    1. Thank you, Judith. I really appreciate your prayers and the frequent encouragement you give me and others. Bless you,

  2. I am with you, Gail! I often say to my husband, "why is it so much easier to know the truth than to apply it?" I am continually playing give and take with Him. "Here, Lord, take this situation that is causing my stress" and then I take it back. How sad He must feel for me sometimes! But, I know His word says that He loves me and is planning the best for me - I just need to believe it and wait on Him! We will pray for each other that we will not be deceived! Love you, my friend!

    1. Yes, Brenda, I am very good at "taking back" what I've given to Him. I will pray for you, my friend, and thank you so much for your prayers for me. Love you too, Gail

  3. Praying for you Gail...I think we've all suffered through these glimpses of self--the prayers of others really can help turn it around. On my knees.

    1. Thanks so much, Cyn. I really appreciate it. Bless you, Gail

  4. marylnail@bellsouth.netAugust 3, 2012 at 2:11 PM

    Bless your heart! I'll pray.


    1. Thanks so much, Mary. My readers' prayers are a special gift to me. Bless you, Gail

  5. Gail, Praying you put everything in Jesus' hands & leave it there.. I've been there-done that at taking it back..that is easy to do but leaving it there is much harder, especially since I was diagnosed with breast cancer this week. Praying for you, dear one.

    1. Dear Frances, I pray that you will feel an outpouring of God's peace during this difficult time in your life. Thank you so much for praying for me and thinking of me during this difficult time. I pray you will cast all of your cares on Christ and leave them there, just as I pray for myself.
      Bless you, Gail

  6. Hmmmm, I was just thinking about you the other day! I'll keep you in my prayers, friend. I so get the hair situation. A chunk of mine was cut off at my scalp (for medical reasons) and I was in my early 30's. It's hard for us women to lose our hair being that it's part of our crown.

    Whatever Christ is taking you thru or pruning in your life know that it will all turn out good. (Romans 8:28) Remain still in Him with the Truth that you know and give Him glory in your weakness, and hairless :) situation!

    1. Thanks so much, Jolene. I really appreciate your advice and your prayers. Feel blessed that God brought me to your heart the other day. Gail

  7. Gail,

    Yes, I will pray for you. I would love if you would pray for me too. I do struggle. Every morning I sit down and have my first cup of coffee of the day with God. I read scripture, I journal, I pray, I promise I will follow His teachings all day. Then I go about my day and oh, so sadly, I forget to do what He asked of me and I promised that morning.

    Thank you!

    1. Dear Terry, I thank you for your prayers and I will pray for you as well. It's so great that you are already disciplined to know and understand God's Word, and I will pray that you (and I) will both apply what we know/learn to our lives more fully everyday. Bless you, Gail

    2. Me too Terry. I sometimes fail so badly during the day. Need your prayers and I will pray too.

  8. I know what you mean Gail! Most of what I post about is something the Lord has spoken or challenged me concerning. Sometimes I pay attention quickly - other times, I go around the mountain (as Joyce Meyer puts it) and have to learn the lesson all over again!

    I'm often reminded of the text in Numbers 22:28. God used a donkey to speak His Word to Balaam! This keeps me grounded and reminds me that God can use anyone to speak His Word - it's the obedience part that He's after.

    1. Good points, Wendy : )
      thanks for your understanding and helpful comment. Bless you, Gail

  9. Absolutely and I ask for your prayers as well because I too struggle with this. God bless!

    1. I will pray for you, Diana, and I thank you for your prayers for me. Bless you, Gail

  10. Gail, I will be praying for you. I recently went through a period of high stress and anxiety and so understand. I will pray that you do apply God's word over your mind and heart.

    1. Thanks, Shanda. I appreciate your prayers. And I will pray for you and your headaches. Bless you, Gail

  11. I see this is an older post, but I wanted to let you know you've been on my prayer list. I know you're under tremendous stress and, like many writers and people in ministry, you're probably overcommitted. Hope things are better than when you wrote this. God bless.

    1. No, Laura, this was actually recent, and I thank you for your prayers. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. Bless you, Gail

  12. Greetings from Oz Gail. You know, we all struggle with handing everything, and that means ALL, our cares to the Lord. Continually, we all need to practice handing over, and leaving our concerns with the ONE who loves and cares for us. Recently it occurred to me that doing this is a sacrifice.
    We need to lay our worries on the Altar, and then walk away, allowing God to deal with them. Doing this is called FAITH.... NOT GUILT, as this is what the devil lays upon us...
    Look back say 5-10years ago when there was something that worried you a lot. I am sure that you will see whatever it was, worked itself out. Unbeknown to you, Gods angels are sent to take care of you, you are never alone.

    1. Thanks, Crystal. Good thoughts and insights on casting our cares on the Lord. I appreciate you taking time to share them. Gail

  13. But I think that writing out what you believe is an important practice in your resistance to being deceived. I do it and it really helps me--not that I'm not deceived at times, but it really integrates God's truth in my mind and heart. Great topic and vulnerability, Gail!

    1. I agree...writing what God's Word says about these things helps me keep focused and helps renew my mind...usually. : )
      I don't want to stop doing it...I just want to be faithful to apply what I write. Thanks for your encouragement. Gail

  14. Yes, I will pray for you and ask you to pray for me also.

    BTW ... you are not as deceived as you assume: you are DOING 'the Word' N-O-W by asking for prayer :-)

    By doing, we are blessed. "The Lord bless you - The Lord keep you - The Lord make His face to shine upon you and give you Shalom. Amen."


    1. I ask God to help you in this area, Val, just as I am asking Him to help me. And thanks for this reminder that asking for prayer is a step of faith...I've been encouraged already by the prayers of others. Bless you, Gail

  15. I will certainly pray that you will be blessed today with application of what you are writing. I know so much of my writing is born out of what I have experienced. I'll be praying I will apply my own writing to my heart. I never looked at it in this way before.

    1. Thanks, Pamela. I appreciate your prayers so much! Bless you, Gail

  16. Boy, I certainly can relate to your issues with stress and worry...and it definitely is Satan's way of deceiving us into a life of misery. I'm a big worrier, too. Praying right now that God will give you peace and that He will guide your heart and mind! (By the way, are you still doing the B&BB blog hop or are you taking a break from it? I could not find this weeks.)

    Blessings, friend! In His Love, Ann

    1. Thanks, Ann, I appreciate the prayers, and I pray God will also relieve your stress and worry. Right now B&BB is on break, and I'm praying about whether to start it up again. I'll let you know when I do.

  17. Good morning Gail....

    I will keep praying for you. I want to encourage you to never give up and hold on to God's promises for your life. I remember about a year ago I emailed you to keep my husband and I in prayer we were busy with the homeloan process.. God opened all the right doors and yes we no longer renting but homeowners!!! Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.. Much love Chevon (all the way from South Africa)

  18. I am praying for you too and thank you for your transparency and faithfulness!!

  19. Hi, Gail,

    We are in the same boat. God has told his children not to worry and yet I am a worrier. Even this morning, I ask God for assurance if I have been forgiven. I do believe that devil tries so hard to put doubt in our mind to steal our joy. My children often criticize me and say " do what you preach." Christians are not exempt from problems in life. We are also human beings who get sick, weak every now and then. I need to exercise that faith like a mustard seed to defeat the goliath in our lives. We stumble today and Jesus helps us stand on our feet again. There are no perfect Christians. I pray by Jesus' stripes that you are healed physically and pray for us to leave all cares in God's hands. How I wish I could have a childlike mindset to trust my Maker. Thank you for your blog that help me so much. Love in Christ.

  20. Gail, touche'---it is always easier to give advice than follow it--- so, Father, in the name of Jesus, we break agreement with discouragement and fear. We thank you, Lord that the curse is broken off of our lives and we are now under the blessing--- I say shalom, shalom, shalom---nothing missing-nothing broken-- Gail, be filled to overflowing with the joy of the Lord!

  21. Praying for a peaceful heart and mind for you, and that you heal <3 You touch the lives of so many with these emails- when its difficult to be salt and light, they are a joy to read. Thankyou again for all that you do!!

  22. Great morning my dear sister Gail,
    I have prayed for you to be encouraged and for God to relieve your stress. May the peace, power and joy from God be yours this day and always. Thank you for what you do. Much love, appreciation and blessings. Have a joy-filled day!

  23. Thanks be to our Savior who really knows everything that we go through. Christ in His anxiety and stress about the cross and all the other stressors that went with that ask the Father to remove it three times. Remember His anxiety caused him to sweat drops of blood which is a physical response to extreme stress. Our Savior knows all about street and it's effects on the body. We are not alone in our feelings of stress

  24. Good morning Gail.
    Be strong and I will include you in my prayers!. I always get inspired when I read your notes, it helps me see things differently at times when I need them most.
    Have a good day.

  25. Thanks so much Gail! I read your post everyday and I enjoy them so much. I understand very well what you are speaking off. We can say we're giving it to God, but before you realize it, we are trying to take care of it ourselves. If we would just remember that God made us, He's in control of all things, nothing happens without His knowledge. He loves us and He will keep leading and guiding us until He calls us home. I will pray for you as we all pray for each other. Prayer is the key!!

  26. Sweet friend, as I writer I know that discouraging fact. We don't always live what we write about. But God continues to work in and through us for His glory. A few years ago, I "lost" my health and had to step back from some things I loved to heal. I learned to (OK... I'm still learning) to simply keep in step with the Spirit each day, and allow Him to show me what to do and what to leave undone. I will pray for you; will you pray for me? We want to be authentic voices, and more importantly, we want to be faithful to the truth God has entrusted us to share. I'm noting here how many have commented—we all struggle with these issues this side of heaven, in one way or another. Thank you for being honest/transparent. You are not walking this journey alone.

  27. Thank you so much Gail! I read your post everyday, and I enjoy them so much!! I understand exactly what you're talking about in this post. I give it to God, and before you realize it you're trying to fix it on your own, we can't be patient and let God work it out for our good. We just need to remember that God made us, He knows our every thought. He knows full well what we need, we just need to trust everything to Him. He loves us and He knows what's best for us. I will pray for you as we pray for each other. Prayer is the key!!

  28. Hi Gail, i enjoy stopping at work briefly to read your posts. it encourages me throughout the day. i need prayers as well to learn to listen to God when he calls upon me and to learn how to better apply his principles according to his will. THanks!

  29. Always in our prays, blessings to you and the family. Love always

  30. So sorry to hear that you're not feeling well, Gail. Will remember you. XO Marcia

  31. I will be praying for you. Please do the same for me I want to be a man of God's heart.

  32. Yes Gail,I will pray for you.I'm just the same(we all are)and value your prayers for me too.x

  33. Oh, how I so needed to read this today. I have been struggling with a very upsetting family situation for the last 5 years. The last 4 I have put myself through hell physically and emotionally. I try so hard to give my burdens to our Lord and then I slip and fall miserably and start the path to letting go all over again. Please pray that I can finally "Let Go and Let God". May you all be blessed with the Peace of our Lord.

  34. I am totally needing to trust, find peace and stand on His word..

  35. Gail, I am a little late but yes, I will pray for you as well. Will you pray for me also? I need to learn to apply the Word to my life as well. Thank you for all you do. I love your uncompromising messages!

  36. Gail, I just prayed for you my sister! Be blessed.

    WE ALL FIGHT THE SAME BATTLES.........WHAT A COMFORT THAT IS TO KNOW WE ARE ONE IN HIM. WE ARE STRONGER IN NUMBERS AND SATAN FLEES AS WE STAND TOGETHER. The flesh is weak, but the spirit is strong. Need to feed our spirit daily! Blessings to all you ladies!

  38. Dear friends who commented. For some reason, Blogspot did not publicly publish these comments, and I just became aware of them and published them in Oct 2018. I thank all of you for your insights and your prayers and I have gone through and prayed for each of you!!
