
Can God Use Pinterest?

This 1-minute devotion inspires you to use your time on Pinterest to advance the Kingdom of God. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Social networks are here to stay. 

They can be a big waste of time or they inspire our creativity and be used for good.

Pinterest is one of the most popular.  It “hit 10 million unique monthly views faster than any standalone site in U.S. history.”(1)

There are many reasons Pinterest is appealing. 
1. We love pictures (they're worth 1000 words, after all). 
2. We love learning new things.
3. We appreciate easy ways to store the information we gather. 

But most of all, I think Pinterest is popular because it gets our creative juices flowing and we are creatively-wired beings, made in the image of the Creator God.

"God created mankind in his own image...male and female he created them." Genesis 1:27 

Like any social network, Pinterest can be used for bad purposes, but it provides a creative (and easy) way to share the Gospel when we pin Christian devotions, images and quotes.

If you use social networks, "make the most of every opportunity" to use them for the Kingdom of God (Ephesians 5:16)!

See also 3 Ways to Enjoy Life and Facebook.

(1) Huff Post Tech
Image: Billy Frank Alexander

Did you know that Bible Love Notes has a Pinterest Page? Please become a follower so you can easily re-pin devotions. There are hundreds of pinners who have a "1-Minute Bible Love Notes" board where they pin their favorite devotions. This can be a pinteresting way to share Christ.
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This 1-minute devotion inspires you to use your time on Pinterest to advance the Kingdom of God.


  1. Great post. I am your newest follower (returning your follow). Have a great week.

  2. Oh boy. I just may have to check it out soon. I have to see what all of the "buzz" is about.
