
Will You Dance?

Sometimes we need what only God can give us so we can dance into His purposes and His Light. This 1-minute devotions explains. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Do you ever feel limp, lonely, clumsy, afraid, defeated, useless...

Are you disappointed in life? In yourself? In others?

Are you hurt, discouraged, depressed, or simply tired?

Do you need a breath of life today?

I encourage you to read Ezekiel 37:1-14 where God breathes life into dry bones.

And remember these words of Jesus: “I have come in order that you might have life—life in all its fullness” (John 10:10).

Whatever in you feels weak and weary, there is One who longs to Breath new life into each step of your day. Will you take His hand and dance into His light and His purposes?


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Sometimes we need what only God can give us so we can dance into His purposes and His Light. This 1-minute devotions explains. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible


  1. So true Gail! We are designed for a FULL life and God is the only One who can give it :) Thanks for spurring on our walks with Him

    Carly @

  2. I definitely feel tired. I'm returning to your blog from the UBP.

    1. May God meet you right at the point of your weariness, Brooke. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Gail,
    My husband and I were at a marriage conference this past weekend where the theme was dancing with God. The speaker had a beautiful illustration contrasting trying to follow God with our eyes closed and no physical contact, trying to follow God perfectly with our eyes open but still no physical contact, and finally following God with our hands in His: dancing. It was easy to see how dancing with God produced harmonious movement with no effort on our part.

    The speaker then had someone hold up a lighter while the speaker (God) moved the trusting attendee's arm close to the flame. "Can you feel it, because I can smell hair burning," he joked. His point: When we're dancing with God, we will feel the heat of trials, but we won't get burned.

    Thanks for this reminder to let God lead me in His dance of life!

    1. Thanks for sharing these thoughts from your conference, Janey...very good analogies. I appreciate you leaving them as a comment so others can benefit too.

  4. I have two left feet but love to tap to the music
