
One Size Doesn't Fit All

If you think God is a "one size fits all" kind of God, think again. This 1-minute devotion explains God's love for variety. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

My scalp was dry. I saw this product that looked like just what I needed and brought it to the register. 

The clerk did a double take. I think she was checking to see if I was white. Did I mention the product was for African-Americans?

So I used the product, and three hours and six shampoos later, it was still making this white girl’s hair look pretty crazy. 

Okay, I should have known better. One size does not fit all. 

I love that about God. He created so many shades of skin and hair for His pleasure (Revelation 4:11).

If you think God is a "one size fits all" kind of God, think again. This 1-minute devotion explains God's love for variety. #BibleLoveNotes #BibleEven though we call some twins identical, they aren’t. All of us are one-of-a-kind, created by a One-of-a-kind Creator who loves variety.

Don't you think it makes Him sad when we decide we don’t like someone because of the color of their skin or ethnic background? 

I’m sure He wants us to enjoy His creation as much as He does.

Read another 1-minute devotion about one of my favorite African Americans here: Overcoming Evil

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  1. Gail...great reminder. One size does not fit all. Thank you for sharing this encouragement.

  2. I love celebrating our differences.

  3. I've always thought they should say "one size fits most." :-) It's the differences that make us so special. Good thoughts.

  4. Hi Gail - great post and great reminder that EVERYONE is special and different and God made it so.
    God bless
