
As Long as I Have Breath—A Timeless Truth

As I look back, I remember this timeless truth - a truth important for every remnant believer.

I almost permanently 
retired this devotion because it's so outdated, but I decided to repost it because the biblical truth in it is timeless! It's a truth I must remind myself of often as my husband and I pray that we will finish well, fulfilling God's purposes for our lives. 

We want to praise the Lord all of our lives, as long as we still have breath to do so (Psalm 146:2).

This devotion was originally written in April 2012 when I only had a few hundred readers, so only a few of you have read it before. 

April 2012:

Today I fly … to Hungary. 

We lived in Budapest from 2005-2010 doing Christian work, and we try to return each year to do ministry and visit friends. 

I love Hungary—the sights, the people, the food, and the opportunities. I'm also looking forward to meeting with the ladies who translate and edit A szeretet üzenete (the Hungarian Bible Love Notes).*

But I’ll be honest. These trips take a lot out of me at sixty years old. I miss my grandchildren, I miss my clothes dryer, my bed, our car, and the convenience of my life in the States.

It would be easier to "retire" from these overseas trips.

But I’m at peace knowing God has things for us to do in Budapest 
(John 16:33Ephesians 2:10). 

Sometimes we think that being at the center of God’s will should make life easy, without conflicts and difficulties. But the commands and stories in the Bible quickly dispel that error. 

If we pray for “easy” things in life, we’ll be disappointed. But we'll never be disappointed if we pray for God's purpose and God's peace.

Note: When I wrote this devotion in 2012, we thought we had finally settled in our "forever home" in North Carolina, but since that time we've moved twice for ministry purposes. (Read my devotion about that here: The Promise of the Palm Tree in Psalm 92). The challenges have continued for us, but my husband and I wouldn't have it any other way. Whether you're a teenager or an octogenarian, I encourage you to seek God's purposes in your neighborhood, your school, and your circle of friends. And if God asks, be willing to take on new challenges.

💙 And I encourage you to check out Wisdom for Life, a book that proves God can use bad things in our lives for good. Read more about it Here. It's currently on sale 25% off on AmazonLifeway, and Christianbook.

* Did you know that Bible Love Notes is now translated into seven languages besides English? See our International Ministry page.

As I look back, I remember this timeless truth - a truth important for every remnant believer.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Gail, have a safe, blessed and fruitful trip. Love that picture of you and your hubby in front of the bridge and your grandkids are so adorable, God bless them. Yes, God's will is not always comfortable but boy is it fullfilling!

    Much Love

    1. Thanks, Diana, and Amen to "not always comfortable but boy is it fulfilling!" : )

  2. Praying you will have a speedy adjustment, Gail. Thank you and your hubby for doing God's will by stepping out and reaching others for Him. Safe, safe travels. And do enjoy that food. Yum! :-)

  3. Gail (and Michael): I've been praying for you and will continue to "pray you along!" I'm going to miss you, but I'm thankful for the technology that will keep us connected long distance. GRATEFUL for the multitude of ways you bless and encourage me! Gail, thanks, as always, for writing the truth in practical, Biblical and creative ways--I appreciate Bible Love Notes SO much!

  4. You are not too old to minister for our Lord. Yes, my old dog can learn new tricks and we can too

  5. Wow - 2 1/2 months in Hungary! May it be a memorable time for you, and that God will grant grace for the difficult things (as He always does). Some friends of ours (also with Campus Crusade for Christ) are flying to Hungary today with their two young children to serve there long-term. Jared & Abby Alleman. Wonder if you'll be any chance have connection with them?
