
Pain- The Gift Nobody Wants

We apologize for this extra step, but this devotion from 2012 was updated and is now located at the link below.

We pray that this devotion will encourage you!

Pain - The Gift Nobody Wants


  1. Hi Gail - this is such a profound truth and if only we remember it in the midst of our pain we would learn whatever it is God is teaching us so much faster.
    God bless

    1. Thanks, Tracy. Your comments are always such a blessing and encouragement to me.

  2. Thank you for this post! I think I should read it everyday!

    1. Me too! So many of my devotions are written to speak to my heart, deal with my sins, and remind me of God's answers.

  3. Gail - your post reminded me of some words of wisdom I received this past summer on how God uses the rough parts of our lives to smooth out the sharp edges of our human-ness in order to mold us into the souls He created us to be - of course it was much more elaborately explained. But still, your post reminded me and made me smile. thanks

    1. Marissa and Gail, I like your remarks. We always want to easy and beautiful way out of our difficulties, but there are lessons to be learned. Pain gets our attention!

  4. Pain is sometimes what shakes our self-reliance and sends us to our knees. There is beauty on the other side of pain.

    Thank you for your post!

    1. Amen, Kristi! I like on the other side of pain.

  5. heard a mssg yesterday that was a wonderful reminder of the choice that Jesus made. He CHOSE the path of suffering . . . b/c He knew that life in all its fullness (here & for eternity) would only come through His death. and that's usually why He allows me to experience pain & suffering as well -- b/c He KNOWS that it will ultimately lead to life. to more of Him, less of me.

    thank you so much for sharing,

  6. Gail - Your post is an wonderful reminder to those who are in pain or suffering. My world has been shaken these last few months due to some personal issues that has brought much pain and suffering. I will admit that I fell into a pit of depression but thankfully God and my amazing friends didn't leave me there. I am trusting God for restoration in areas of my life and I know just like Paul and Joseph, God will use this for His glory and I will be a much stronger child of God on the other side of it. Your words have certainly encouraged me this morning! Be blessed blogging sister!

    1. Dear Tonya, I pray that God will continue to comfort you in your painful situation and eventually use you to comfort others with the comfort you've received. He is doing it for me, and I know He will do it for you.
