
A World Without Coffee and Chocolate

Shortages of Coffee and Chocolate would bother many people, but Matthew 4:4 puts these things in perspective.

"I wouldn't want to live in a world without coffee."

This was the reaction of one man to a report several years ago that predicted coffee could be in short supply in ten years due to “heavy rain, long drought, and insect infestations linked to climate change.”* The report went on to say that global warming could also make parts of Africa too hot to grow cocoa.

Is chocolate or coffee in your "essential food group," or does some other food seem essential to your well-being...sweet tea, diet coke, milk, beef, vanilla...?
    The God who created all of these foods for our enjoyment tells us there's one "food" essential to our well-being:

    “Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God." Matthew 4:4

    Without God's Word, we miss the whole meaning and purpose of life. Make sure it's part of your "diet" today!

    Curious about this report? Watch the video: Coffee could disappear 

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    Shortages of Coffee and Chocolate would bother many people, but Matthew 4:4 puts these things in perspective.

    Shortages of Coffee and Chocolate would bother many people, but Matthew 4:4 puts these things in perspective.


    1. Love coffee and chocolate. Not sure where I'd be without them!

    2. Although I do try to be balanced in my coffee and chocolate intake, I DO enjoy them!

    3. I am trying hard to cut down on the chockies! Need to study the Word more!

    4. I have to tell you Gail, as I read this I'm drinking my first cup of coffee for the morning and I have a spoonful of cocoa in it. I do drink it probably in excess, but have to say, if I was stranded on an island until the Lord comes, I'd rather have my bible than coffee. ~ Abby
