
False Teachings about Leviticus 18:22

Let's learn how to answer deceptive arguments that undermine Scripture.

There are some convincing teachings about homosexuality circulating in Christian circles. This devotion addresses one of them. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Devotions

Satan is using the subject of homosexuality to challenge Scripture. If he can undermine God’s truth in this area, he can cast suspicion on all of Scripture.

Some false teachers claim the only homosexual behavior forbidden in Scripture is child abuse.

Apparently, in some European Bibles, Leviticus 18:22 is translated as a condemnation of men having sex with boys, not a condemnation of homosexuality in general.

Based on these translations, false teachers claim that poor scholarship, prejudiced translation teams, and man-made traditions led to inaccurate English translations that condemn homosexuality.

The problem: They compare translations with translations instead of consulting the original language text.

In Leviticus 18:22, the Greek words forbid sex between "males." Period.(1)  

Furthermore, if this passage dealt with child abuse, why would it only condemn men abusing boys and say nothing about men abusing girls?  

Beware of these deceptive arguments, Dear Christians. They are becoming more prevalent (Colossians 2:8).

God's commands are perfect and loving. If we care about the souls of homosexuals, we will stand firmly on God’s Word (1 Corinthians 16:13).

(1) Hebrew is the original language of the Old Testament, and the word-for-word translation of Leviticus 18:22 in Hebrew reads: “And with a male not you shall lie as with a woman an abomination it.” It's always sounds awkward to do a word-for-word translation from another language, but the meaning is clear. The Hebrew word for “male” in this sentence is zakar and it means “male.” It is not age-specific. 
🚻 To read 4 biblical reasons that hate crimes are condemned by God, read Hate Crimes.

To read what Scripture says about homosexual behavior, see: Biblical Teaching on Homosexuality.

To read specifically about Gay Revisionist Theology, check out the links below:

There are some convincing teachings about homosexuality circulating in Christian circles. This devotion addresses one of them. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Devotions

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