
The Popular Teachings of Joel Osteen: Beware

This article does not make assumptions about Osteen's motives or character, but it carefully examines direct quotes from Osteen's sermons and books and explains how they contradict Scripture.

I wrote a devotion on awareness of the “Balaams” among us – men and women who may have heard from God at some time in their lives and may even preach parts of the truth but who are focused on worldly goals. (See Bad Guys are Good Warnings.)

Jude 1:11 talks of false teachers who “have rushed for profit into Balaam's error.”

Although I mentioned no names, one reader wrote to defend Joel Osteen. The fact that this description of Balaam made her think of Osteen is quite revealing.

Osteen is wildly popular for his teachings on prosperity and self-esteem, and he's well known for his extravagant lifestyle.

This article does not make assumptions about Osteen's motives or character, but it carefully examines direct quotes from Osteen's sermons and books and explains how they contradict Scripture.
This is how I responded to this woman’s defense of Osteen:

I never trust what others say about a teacher or preacher because sometimes they take things they've said out of context or they tell you what the teacher "meant" not what he actually said. And that's slander.

We should never listen to critics who are sarcastic or who make claims without clear evidence.

That's why I have listened to Joel Osteen myself - listened to his words and his teachings. And much of what he says is wrong Scripturally.

One morning I listened to his entire sermon on television. He said whatever follows our “I am” statements will follow us, so we should daily say: “I am beautiful. I am special.” He even claimed that if we say “I am getting younger,” we’ll look more youthful.

But Proverbs 27:2 says: "Let someone else praise you, and not your own mouth; an outsider, and not your own lips."

And Romans 12:3 says: "Do not think of yourself more highly than you should. Instead, be modest in your thinking, and judge yourself according to the amount of faith that God has given you."

Osteen focused on external things like beauty and youth, but God's focus is always on men's hearts:

1 Samuel 16:7: "But the LORD said to Samuel, 'Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.'"

This article does not make assumptions about Osteen's motives or character, but it carefully examines direct quotes from Osteen's sermons and books and explains how they contradict Scripture.
Next, Osteen said Psalm 139 was David's way of saying: “I am amazing. I am wonderful.”

But Psalm 139 doesn't say those things. It says we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and it is a praise for the Creator, not for ourselves.

Finally, Osteen said Sarah could not have conceived Isaac had she not gained confidence in herself.

But God actually allowed Sarah to conceive despite her doubts in God, herself and her husband's age. Genesis 18:10-15 makes this very clear.

Osteen claimed we should always make positive statements about ourselves, but God calls us to humility, not pride in self. And one of the greatest teachers of the gospel, the Apostle Paul, made this humble "I am" statement in 1 Timothy 1:15: "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners--of whom I am the worst."

Scripture is very clear that the only one who deserves constant praise is the Great I Am - our Lord (Exodus 3:14; John 8:58).

All of these errors were contained in a single message that Osteen gave, one which I listened to in its entirety, so nothing I've written here is taken out of context. This sermon promoted love for self, pride, and false promises. And it twisted Scriptures to fit this false teaching.

Of course, we could ask ourselves if Osteen was having a bad day and preached some things without thinking them through. But that's not the case because he's written a book called "The Power of I Am: Two Words That Will Change Your Life Today." This sermon clearly represents his beliefs.

So, I must disagree with you about Osteen.

He is incredibly popular, and sometimes he says things that are Scriptural, but his teaching is riddled with errors that promote worldly values.
For more about Osteen's Errors:
Osteenification and What it Portends
Review of Osteen's Book Your Best Life Now
A 20 minute video: Should Christians listen to Joel Osteen.

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This article does not make assumptions about Osteen's motives or character, but it carefully examines direct quotes from Osteen's sermons and books and explains how they contradict Scripture.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Amen. God deserves the honor and the glory.

  2. It is imperative that all believers of God know and understand how to rightfully handle the Word of God (2 Timothy 2:15). Likewise, we, as believers (of God's Word) are not to construct (a personal) Doctrine beyond Scripture. Hosea 4:6 Old speaks of God's displeasure of those who rejected sound and true knowledge of God's Word; and what happened to them and their children... "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...

    May we all grow in our understanding of God's Word, rightfully handling the Word in Spirit and in truth.

  3. 1 Corinthians 2:2 ...Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

  4. Agree, Olsteen is a false prophet.

  5. You talked about slander, but that's exactly what you just did. We as christians should not attack the person or their character, instead we should point out the action not the person.Specially when the person is not there to defend themselves. Blessings.

    1. Hi Andres,
      You have misunderstood the word slander and you have misunderstood what the Bible teaches about judging others.

      The meaning of slander is to make false and damaging statements about another person. This article explains and documents Osteen's words. I wrote nothing false about Osteen. His words damage his character, not mine.

      Actually, by definition, you have slandered me in this comment by claiming I have slandered Osteen.

      And the Bible clearly commands us to expose false teachers. If what I wrote was based on hearsay, I would need to verify it with Osteen before writing about it, but I am quoting Osteen in context. I don't need to get his side of the story.

    2. Well put Gail! I agree with you totally. We should always go to God's word to verify what a person says and not just take their word.

    3. I disagree with you Andres, my friend. This was not slander. Every word was true. This was a message given to protect us from someone who would lead us astray. Anytime the focus is not on God, but on our self, we are in danger. God is the Great I Am. There is none higher and if we believe we can use self affirmations for spiritual growth, then satan is winning. I can say numerous times. "I am beautiful" and nothing about me will change. But when I read about how God created me and that I wonderously made, my focus is on God and His goodness and majesty. Any minister who does not put God above self is dangerous to his flock. Please try to see the loving protection today's LOVE Note offered from a false prophet.

    4. Dear Andres, we are called to recognise and point out false prophets that the body of Christ might be warned much like pointing out paedophiles who pose a serious threat to our communities. I have heard Osteen preach many times and came to see through his false teachings and how he has beguiled so many people who have itching ears, ever learning and never coming to the knowledge of the truth - from such turn away!

    5. Dear Unknown...There is NOT one thing I am jealous over when it comes to Joel Osteen. I agree with you, he is human BUT...if he's truly a man called BY God to preach the Gospel, then preach the Gospel! Don't tell me that I am going to get younger if I say I am young! Don't tell me I'm going to get more beautiful if I say I'm beautiful! Preach to me the dangers of Hell if I don't follow what GOD'S Word teaches, not Joel Osteen! Blessings on all!

  6. Amen! Thanks Gail for allowing God to use you...I love how you stick to what the scriptures truly say. So many take them out of context to fit their own agenda. Continual blessings to you.��

  7. Sad to see a friend of mine is very into this man's book, "Your best life now". How can we have our best life now? Unbiblical.

  8. Some people are going to drink the Joel Osteen kool aid and there is nothing anyone can say or do to enlighten them. We know from scripture that their eyes can be blinded to the truth. Joel is a wealthy entertainer and his stage is a pulpit. He never went to a seminary, which is part of the reason he twists passages from the Bible. He does not know or understand the Bible. His brand of religion is so similar to what is taught at sales seminars. Self affirmations do not replace scripture. Sadly my husband's son attends Osteen's church. He moved thousands of miles from to California. Dropped out of Medical school and grew a pony tail to his waist. We were okay with the school and hair, but seeing a bright young person be led astray by Osteen is sad. Our son does not quote or read the Bible anymore, but quotes from Osteen. It is a like a cult. So, you pray for them and leave it to the Lord to remove the scales from their eyes.

    1. I'm so sorry, Jennifer.
      I know this must be heart-breaking.
      I join you in praying for your son's release from this false teaching.
      God bless you.

    2. I pray God places a desire in your son to read the bible himself , and fills him with the counsel and wisdom of the Spirit to understand God's truth. May He bring others into his life who can redirect him back to the gospel that Christ taught, to help him find the joy in heavenly, not earthly thoughts.
      In Jesus name.
      God Bless

  9. Thank you for never being afraid to speak the truth! Bless you 💕

  10. Thank you for this article, so many are led astray

  11. Thank you for always being spot on. Olsteen's preaching reminds me of the prosperity movement of the 70's. What Christ offers us is for eternity, worldly riches and fame all fade away. I would love a "hold in your hand" book of your posts....You would never believe the number of your posts I have printed out.

  12. You are spot on with your comments, scripturally based. Thank you for speaking truth.

  13. I listened to Osteen reguarly at one point for maybe almost a year or more but stopped listening when I began to notice the same characteristics you mention about his message. I now believe it was the Spirit whispering to me and guiding me away.

  14. I agree with you Gail. We should be glorifying God and not ourselves. We should imitate Jesus' humility as mentioned in Phil 2:5-8 " Keep this mental attitude that was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, although he was existing in God's form, gave no consideration to a seizure namely, that he should be equal to God. 7 No, but he emptied himself ans took a slave's form and became human. 8 More than that, when he came as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death, yes death on a torture stake." Such humility and obedience. Though I am not from the U.S. I have read a book of Joel Osteen few years ago. I already forgot the content. As Christians we should also be careful with materialism. Let us be guided by Jesus' teachings. As Jesus said his teachings come from our heavenly Father. Blessings to you and your family.

  15. While going through a deep depression I listened to Joel Osteen often and his preaching encouraged me greatly. I spoke the affirmations over my life daily. He helped me to get better. He did more for me than my therapist. However, I never considered writing down scriptures and checking the Bible to see if he was accurate. You have spoken some very harsh words but I'm sure Pastor Osteen have heard it all before. False teacher or not I'm not about to curse the man with my words. I chose to pray for him. But, I am unfollowing you. Have a good day.

    1. Dear SavedbyGraceAlone,

      There are no harsh words in this post. Without name-calling, sarcasm, or rudeness, I have compared the words of Osteen with the Words of my Lord.

      What you have written is harsher than anything written in this devotion, and I agree that you should unfollow Bible Love Notes because this blog proudly and unashamedly defends the Word of God and exposes teachings that undermine it.

  16. Thank you Gail for this Blog! This is Truth! I totally agree with you. You have the True facts!

  17. Hello Gail, I read your love notes everyday. As a recent widow, I find they cheer me and lift my soul. They encourage me to spend more time in Gods word. I’m so glad I found your site.
    Thank you.

  18. Thank you for this Gail. I Am is one of the names of our beloved savior Jesus Christ. HE is the Great I Am! I knew there was something wrong when I purchased an Osteen book and there were NO scriptures in it. That was the first sign to me that something was off. The book was encouraging, yet focused on self. Your post was great confirmation. Blessings, and thanks for all you do.

  19. Thank you for helping me understand God's word in a much deeper and more meaningful way. Sadly everything seems to be about self now. Everywhere you turn its about how you can get more, be more. Don't delay get it today, and but wait there's more! We are bombarded with ways to have more, be more, drive more, buy more. I don't know of this person of whom you all speak. But I am definately convicted by God, his truth and compassion through Gail.
    I thank God for his faithful servant.
    Thank you

    1. Yes, Paula. You're right. We are bombarded with encouragement to be selfish.
      God bless you.


    Several years ago, we were attending Sunday Service in Victory Christian Fellowship at the Bonifacio Global City in Taguig. One time, I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to listen carefully to the preaching.

    The preacher before he began, said his opening prayer and ended it with the phrase “in Jesus' name“. Then he started to talk about some widespread events and testimonies of famous people who were transformed by the teachings of the Bible and some good old stories that made us laughed, moved to tears, not to mention citing the traditional Bible verses in the Old Testament and quotes from letters that Paul wrote to different churches in the New Testament.

    After about an hour preaching, he closed in prayer with a quite emotional tone and again ended with the phrase, “in Jesus' name.”

    Now I realized what the Holy Spirit was telling me several Sundays ago. So after the service, I approached the preacher. As I was walking towards him, he gave me a big smile and I smiled back.

    And this is what I said: “I noticed that in your preaching you mentioned the name of Jesus twice—In your opening prayer and your closing prayer. Jesus will be coming soon and your congregation does not know Jesus, who He was and who He is, and His teachings bringing the message of our Father to us for our salvation.”

    For a few seconds his face looked disconcerted. I was not sure if he was offended. He looked at me in the eyes, and then his face looked sorry. He softly said, “thank you for the reminder,” and gave me a firm handshake.

    Have we heard good preachings lately?
